Rev. Janet Stegman
Author + Healer
Janet Stegman is often regarded as a ‘Healer Advisor Extraordinaire’. She was thrust upon this career, not by choice, but rather by happenstance.
When she was 16 years old, a debilitating, painful, out-of-control eating disorder developed suddenly. She felt she could not stop eating, as if there was a monster inside her cramming food down her throat.
It was like that comedy sketch about a good angel and a bad angel sitting on one’s shoulders. “I want a piece of cake.” “No.” “Why?” “Because you’re trying to lose weight.” “Tough!” These thoughts frequently swirled within Janet’s mind. She gave in to eating the cake, but it would never stop at a single piece of cake. It was the whole cake. And then a loaf of bread. With butter and honey. And a quart of milk.
“Oh, I’m soooo stuffed!” she would think. Yet, as soon as the heap of food went down, there would be a pint of Hagen Daz (vanilla, of course — mother’s milk). This pattern continued for 3 years. She was a voice major at UCLA, but she had to drop out because she was constantly in so much pain from stuffing down so much food.
Janet has over 15 years of experience and has trained to support people in their recovery journey. Healing from addiction, substance abuse, eating disorders, and depression is a long, winding road, and her unique perspective and highly-innovative strategies help people tackle the root cause and find lasting freedom.
Degrees and Licenses:
Ministerial License (Spiritual Counselor)
Bachelor’s Degree from U.C. Santa Cruz (in Theater Arts)
Juris Doctorate (Law Degree)
Janet in the Media
Interviews and Features
Dasher Writes a Book! (YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS!) (PTD Vlogs Day 1514)
Podcast with Les the Book Coach
Janet Speaks on Domestic and Sexual Violence